May 2021 – Peace: Living Above the Frazzle

When faced with the same circumstances, why do some people have peace while others don’t?

I have a friend who is able to keep his peace regardless of the circumstances that confront him. Below, I state what he learned and applied to his life until it became a habit. And we can do the same.

God’s Word tells us that Jesus left his peace with us, and it is a peace that is unlike what the world offers. John 14:27. The peace Jesus gives is independent of circumstances.

Peace does not come from having more of everything such as more assets and insurance. Instead, peace comes from allowing God’s Word to fill our heart by loving it. Psalm 119:165. Peace comes as a result of praying for peace to rule in our heart. Peace comes from trusting Jesus and keeping our focus on him. Isaiah 26:3. And peace comes from setting our mind on the Spirit because that is life and peace. Romans 8:6. In fact, allowing the Holy Spirit to control our mind produces peace. Galatians 5:22.

Peace is a gift from Jesus, and God’s Word tells us to let the peace of God rule in our heart. Colossians 3:15. What do you allow to rule in your heart? We have a choice. We can continue to feel frazzled without peace by allowing circumstances to rule in our heart. Or, we can let the peace of God rule in our heart by obeying God’s Word, praying for peace, trusting Jesus, remaining quietly in his presence, and allowing the Holy Spirit to control our mind.

My friend keeps Jesus at his right hand and so it not shaken. Psalm 16:8. Even during his busiest, most stressful times, he continually talks with Jesus about whatever is on his mind. He does not allow fear or anxiety to rule in his heart. But if he starts to experience anxiety creeping in to try and rob him of peace, he follows God’s Word that tells him: “Have no anxiety about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which passes all understanding, will keep your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:6,7.  Consequently, he comes to Jesus by prayer and supplication ( a humble request to God for something such as peace) with thanksgiving (he thanks Jesus for the gift of his peace and asks Jesus to restore his peace) and as a result, peace soon replaces anxiety.