1 John 2:6 tells us that whoever says he abides in Him ought to walk in the same way in which He walked. How did Jesus walk? God’s Word tells us that Jesus increased in wisdom (intellectual/mental growth) and in stature (physical growth) and in favor of God (spiritual growth)and man (social growth) (Luke 2:52). […]
Live Life Backwards – April 2024
While we are alive, do we want to be a positive role model for our family? And do we want to leave a positive, eternal legacy? If so, we need to live our life with the end in mind. Remember these eight facts: Life on earth is short. (James 4:14). Earth is not our home.(1 […]
My Personal Testimony – March 2024
Have you ever felt as if something was missing in your life? In my mid-thirties, I had a high-paying job, an expensive car, and more materialistic things than I could have ever imagined. However, I found that acquiring more of everything did not provide the joy and peace I was searching for. As a result, […]
Three Prayers – February 2024
When our granddaughter turned 13, I gave her three prayers. 1. Always keep the Lord by your side. 2. Rely on the Holy Spirit for Power. 3. And power up your prayer life by asking the Holy Spirit to pray to God the Father on your behalf. 1. Keep the Lord by Your Side. God’s […]
Managing Your Time – Part 8 – January 2024
The 80/20 Rule and How To Use It In 1906, an Italian economist named Vilfredo Pareto observed that 20% of the people owned 80% of the wealth. In 1937, Dr. Joseph M. Juran observed that 20% of something is responsible for 80% of the results. 20% of your efforts produce 80% of your results. Stated […]
Managing Your Time – Part 7 – December 2023
Emails What usually happens when you receive an email? You interrupt what you are doing and read it. Maybe you can set aside specific times during the day to read and handle your emails. Maybe you can tell people that the best time to reach you by email is between say 11:30 a.m. and 12 […]
Managing Your Time – Part 6 – November 2023
Obstacles That Hinder Your Ability to Manage Time Better and How to Control Them Why do you procrastinate? Maybe you have something that you do not want to do. Maybe you believe that you have plenty of time to complete the task, so you think, “What’s the rush?” The problem with procrastination You may not […]
Managing Your Time – Part 5 – October 2023
Three Important Questions to Ask In order to help you prioritize your time throughout the day and keep you focused on what is important, you need to continually ask yourself three questions: First: What is the best use of my time right now? Second: Is what I am doing right now the best use of […]
Managing Your Time – Part 4 – September 2023
To-Do List Do tomorrow’s planning today. Before you leave the office, create a written to-do list that will help you get things done tomorrow. For example, before I leave the office, I write down the top three things that I want to accomplish tomorrow, and when I plan to work on them. Creating a written […]
Managing Your Time – Part 3 – August 2023
Schedule work-time on your weekly calendar If you want to become more focused and productive, you need to schedule your time. After entering your assignments and due dates on your computer/IPhone , you need to block out specific days and times during the day to work on the assigned tasks. When are you more productive—in […]
Managing Your Time – Part 2 – July 2023
Steps to Manage Your Time Better Health You need to start with your health. You need to eat a balanced diet, exercise, get adequate sleep, and maintain a positive mental attitude. If you do these things, you will have more physical and emotional energy. Even though self-help books and motivational speakers can tell you how […]
Managing Your Time – Part 1 – June 2023
In Chapter Nine of my book titled Created For Greatness – Living Your Best Life Through God’s Word, I discuss managing time. As I stated in my book, we all have days when time just seems to slip through our fingers. But if you end every day wondering why you didn’t accomplish much, and if […]
Ditch your Buts – May 2023
If we want to live life to the fullest, we need to ditch our “buts. Here are just two examples of “buts” to ditch: I know that I should do…….but it is just too difficult. I know that reading the Bible is beneficial to my overall well-being, but I am so busy that I don’t […]
Wisdom in Business – April 2023
Last month, I provided one example of how wisdom helped me in my personal life. This month, I provide one example of how wisdom helped me in my business life. Business Life After spending countless hours trying to land a big client, I encountered many problems. In the end, there were just too many problems […]
Wisdom – March 2023
As you may know, I wrote a blog on wisdom in January 2021. Recently, I re-read Proverbs 16:16, where God’s Word tells us that wisdom is more important than getting gold. Therefore, I want to provide some additional information on the topic of wisdom. First, what is the difference between knowledge and wisdom? Some of […]
The Ten Suggestions? – February 2023
Last month, we discussed Commandments one through four that deal with our relationship with God. This month, we will discuss Commandments five through ten that deal with our relationship with each other. Commandments Five through Ten: 5. Honor your Father and Mother, that your days may be long in the land which the Lord your […]
The Ten Suggestions? – January 2023
This month and next month, we will discuss the Ten Commandments, not the Ten Suggestions. The Ten Commandments are found in the book of Exodus 20: 1-17. When I was growing up, I thought the Ten Commandments would restrain me and keep me from achieving the good life. Later in life, I realized that God […]
Don’t Broil Your Muffins – December 2022
One morning, our children asked me to make blueberry muffins. I bought a box of mix, read the instructions, and put the completed ingredients in the oven. After the timer went off, I opened the oven. And to my chagrin, the tops of the muffins were burnt! What went wrong? I did not follow the […]
Is More Knocking At Your Door? – November 2022
Have you ever felt a void in your life that prevents you from experiencing a constant state of inner joy and peace? Have you tried chasing different experiences to try and fill that void and found that none work? And as part of your attempt to fill the void, do you find that you have […]
Doing the Right Thing – September 2022
In making a decision, do we do the right thing even if it is not advantageous? In everyday life, we often make fast decisions. But remember that it takes less time to make the right decision than it does to correct a poor decision. To help us do the right thing, we should start our […]