Greg Stephens is an attorney and of counsel with Meagher & Geer—one of the country’s leading litigation defense and coverage firms. He worked there for forty-three years—twenty-nine years as a trial and litigation attorney and fourteen years as the firm’s full-time managing partner.
Since 1981, Greg has been active in Christian ministry as a speaker, teacher, mentor, and writer. He received his Biblical training from the Navigators®, a worldwide Christian para-church organization; from Bible Study Fellowship, an international Christian organization; from his Christian mentor; and from his almost forty years of reading, studying, and meditating on God’s Word.
The idea for this book began in response to an important adage, Greg’s father shared with him: “Your actions speak so loudly that I can’t hear what you say.” Greg explains, “I knew if I wanted to help impart the relevance and power of God’s Word to my children, I had to study it, apply the lessons to my life, and model the type of behavior that demonstrate what I preach.”
Greg resides in Woodbury, Minnesota with his wife, Mary. They have two adult children and two grandchildren. Greg and Mary attend Eagle Brook Church in Woodbury and Antioch Community Church in Chandler, Arizona.